Thursday, September 27, 2007

I may have titled this blog improperly

It's as if I'm a deployed civilian, except I don't get paid as much. I seem destined to spend my 15 months on a FOB, not that I'm complaining mind you, it means I don't have to worry about IED's and I get paid just the same. Still, if they wanted me to work doing nothing but changing tires and cleaning the trucks we could have saved alot of money and time on training I'll never use and just sent me over here in Nov. when I signed up. They keep telling me not to worry that I'll get the miles I need to get my license. I keep telling them respectfully that's BS, I don't go outside of the wire so how can I get miles? It's pissed a few of the sergeants off, that I don't think I'll go on missions, I just tell them I'm calling it like I see it. If you have a problem with the fact that I don't go out, I dunno, maybe you should put me on a mission. Then I remember I'm just a private and decisions like that are above my pay grade, best to leave it to those who know what they are doing. So for now, no news is good news. I wanted to get another post up so no one worries about me, there just isn't much to say that is any new from the last post. I'll keep doing what I do and posting when I can. Send me an e-mail or lets have a chat if you get time, I've got plenty and no where to go.

PV2., Pahman, Jesse C.


Diana said...

I'm sorry nothing has really changed yet. You know I'm always here for you, no matter what and always. I love you!

Anonymous said...

Hey maybe you can just drive around in inside the wire "for fun" to get the 15 miles and then maybe you can expierence life outside the wire...I wondered how many laps that would be...hmmm

Jesse Pahman said...

well it'd be less than a lap, or at least I know it'd been less than a lap at the last post. problem is I can't drive at all without that license. They say it's coming though, we'll see.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jesse: It sound like you are
frustrated at not being able to use
your training and we understand.
But knowing you aren't outside right now it comforting to us parent types. We love you, and hope you hear soon about your license and perhaps moving back with your group. Hang in there.

Jesse Pahman said...

It only bothers me a little really, at the end of the day I'm getting paid the same as everyone else, just there is a point of pride for me because I know I'm a good driver but a piece of paper is keeping me from driving.

Mom Jones said...

I'm glad you posted again, because I was worried. I don't like it that you are frustrated because I know you aren't feeling very happy right now. It's bad enough knowing how far away you are. So, I'm going to just remember that the Lord is in charge of your life and times. He is in control. Please try to use this time to listen to Him, seek Him, read His Word and follow His ways, OK? We are all proud of you whether or not you are driving a HET -- and I believe you will be driving one soon. Sending you much love. Praying for you each and every day. Cookie prays for you at each and every meal. I've started doing the same.

Sabrina said...

I second mom, we are praying everyday for you too and usually at our meals. I'm sorry to hear that a silly piece of paper is keepign you from doing what we all know you can do well. I hope that paper comes in soon for you, but I have to say that knowing you are safe behind the wire is also very nice to hear. I love ya brother. We'll keep praying that the Lord's will be done.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse, you want some cheese with that wine! Suck it up! You're a soldier. You've only been in the service less than a year. You'll get your chance. When the Army needs you to drive, you'll drive. In the meantime let's postpone the pity party and remember that God has a plan for you in HIS time not ours. We're proud of you whether you are driving a truck or washing it. And has been mentioned, for those of us back here, knowing that you are in a safer, if there is such a thing, situation makes us all breathe a little easier. Just remember, God loves you and so do we. Dad Hand

Anonymous said...

Wow that last comment was a little bit rude if you ask me...and I was just surfing by. (I wonder what the soldier thinks about it) I would think if you loved someone you would want them doing what they wanted to do. just my two cents.

-the internet surfer

Jesse Pahman said...

If you all could hear how often in the day I get comments like that, "suck it up you're a soldier". How about you suck it up and join? My second favorite is "so how are you happy/having a good time?" Are you serious? I'm in Bagdad. Now, least I sound like a whinning pussy, let me clarify something. I fully understand this is my job, it is why we serve, to deploy and protect our nation, a job I don't take lightly EVER. My point is if this war is so damned important, and if they needed people where I am so badly that they moved me from my platoon to be here then friggin' use me. I did not sign up to be a fobbit.

Anonymous said...

Jesse- Great read buddy. Hope you get back soon. Be safe.
Aristotle99 Muskegon Mi

Jesse Pahman said...

What's that quote on your MIVE profile? We are what we repetedly do, excelence therefore is not a choice but a habbit. Good training and prayers will bring me home. I'm being well taken care of in my new home, even if it isn't the military family I got used to in the rear. November or December, of 2009, I should be done with this tour and I'm hoping to swing by west Michigan.

JonesChronicles said...

Having Kyle in the Navy has taught us something about military mix-ups and delays. They are unrelenting and almost ridiculous. Kyle has been plagued by the incompetence of Navy staff on numerous occassions. Makes me wonder about so-called 'military intelligence.' Hang in their and be persistent. You are a trained soldier, ready and able to do your job. I pray for your safety, of course, but have learned that (at least for me personally, in relation to Kyle) my view of freedom would be very dim if I were not willing to give him up to protect this nation. I thank you for your willingness to fight to protect the nation of my children...for that, I am immeasurably grateful.

Anonymous said...

What can you do, sometimes me and my hubby seriously question the term "military intelligence", because what is termed that, is so often the opposite! lol! Hang in there! I'm praying for you and keep checking your blog, glad to know you are safe!


Anonymous said...

" We are what we repeatedly do, Excellence, Then is not an act, but a habit. " Aristotle
Aristotle99 on Mive
How long is your tour 2009????

Jesse Pahman said...

We left Aug of 2007 and they are telling us to prepard for 15 months. Our orders only say 12, but we're planning on being extended out, it seems to be the current trend. I'm praying that doesn't happen, but preparing for it nevertheless.

Unknown said...

I hope you only have to pull 12. plenty of thoughts and prayers being sent your way bro'. Keep your head up man. Aristotle99